Verb Features: WordNet: pass%2:42:08 Groupings: pass.06 FrameNet: None BSO:
Travel Past Activity
Cause Transfer Activity
Go Out of Existence
Accept Activity
Sport Activity
Time Process
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Predicate Specific Definition:
Trajectory refers to the path or the 'region' the motion traverses when the motion event expresses a change of location. Example:
Predicate Specific Definition:
Trajectory refers to the path or the 'region' the motion traverses when the motion event expresses a change of location. Example:
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Predicate Specific Definition:
Trajectory refers to the path or the 'region' the motion traverses when the motion event expresses a change of location. Example:
Predicate Specific Definition:
Trajectory refers to the path or the 'region' the motion traverses when the motion event expresses a change of location. Example:
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Predicate Specific Definition:
Trajectory refers to the path or the 'region' the motion traverses when the motion event expresses a change of location. Example:
Predicate Specific Definition:
Trajectory refers to the path or the 'region' the motion traverses when the motion event expresses a change of location. Example:
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Predicate Specific Definition:
Trajectory refers to the path or the 'region' the motion traverses when the motion event expresses a change of location. Example:
Predicate Specific Definition:
Trajectory refers to the path or the 'region' the motion traverses when the motion event expresses a change of location. Example:
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Undergoer that is central to an event or state that does not have control over the way the event occurs, is not structurally changed by the event, and/or is characterized as being in a certain position or condition throughout the state. Example:
THE BALL rolled down the hill.
Predicate Specific Definition:
Trajectory refers to the path or the 'region' the motion traverses when the motion event expresses a change of location. Example:
Predicate Specific Definition:
Trajectory refers to the path or the 'region' the motion traverses when the motion event expresses a change of location. Example: