Welcome to the Unified Verb Index

hosted at the University of Colorado Boulder

The Unified Verb Index is a system which merges links and web pages from five different natural language processing projects:

Representing 9344 verbs in:
6791 VerbNet senses, 4570 VerbNet lemmas, 329 VerbNet main classes, 272 VerbNet subclasses, 5649 PropBank links, 4186 FrameNet links, and 4898 Grouping links

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation Grant NSF-IIS-1116782, "A Bayesian Approach to Dynamic Lexical Resources for Flexible Language Processing”, NSF US-9800658 VerbNet, "Associating Semantic Features with Intersective Levin Classes", NSF US-9900297 Actionary, "A Dictionary of Parameterized Action Representations, DTRAl -16-1-0002/Project 1553695, eTASC - Empirical Evidence for a Theoretical Approach to Seman-tic Components and DARPA 15-18-CwC-FP-032 Communicating with Computers, C3 Cognitively Coherent Human-Computer Communication (sub from UIUC) and Elementary Composable Ideas (ECI) Repository (sub from SIFT)."
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.